Privacy Policy

This is our Privacy Policy.

Privacy – Tracking

Be nice

We are not interested in spying on you.  There is already enough of that. 

The internet was founded on open communications. As early users of bulletin boards and the internet, we try to keep this spirit.

Unless to protect us from cyber-attacks (the bad people or naughty automation bots), we do not keep track of who visits this website.

If you send us an email via the online contact request, then read below.

If you trade or consume services with us, then read below.

We also do not have time to spy on you, as we are busy enough doing real work to assist our customers and community. 

Stay safe

Privacy Policy

“We” or “Us” refers to Sky Skill Pty Ltd
“You” refers to you the customer, either as an individual or company

Confidentiality Agreements
For your protection, our staff have signed confidentiality agreements requiring them not to disclose any of your personal information which they may potentially become exposed to during the course of them providing products and/or services to you.

Collection of personal information, anonymity and rule for sensitive information
When we collect personal information from you, we will only collect what is necessary for us to be able to conduct business with you. The information we collect may vary according to how we do business with you. We will not collect any personal information not required for this purpose.

If you are prepared to do business with us only on the basis of anonymity, we will not be able to conduct business with you.

Telephone Calls
Please note that telephone calls made to and from our company may be recorded for quality assurance and training purposes.

How we handle personal information
We manage your personal information in accordance with the current Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and as outlined in this document.

Use and Disclosure of personal information
The personal information we collect from you may be used for one or more of the following:

  • creating a profile within our Job Tracking System to enable you to raise support requests with us and to enable us to provide support services to you;
  • providing products and/or services to you;
  • invoicing and/or processing payment(s) for products and/or services we provided to you.

We will not disclose any personal information to anyone outside of our organisation, unless it is required:

  • by Australian or foreign law enforcement authorities due to legal or criminal proceedings, an investigation by police or any other government authority;
  • to enable us to provide products and/or services to you;
  • in order to deliver a large scale project initiated by you;
  • in any other way as authorised by you in writing.

If you engage us to provide support services for you or your company’s computer systems, you acknowledge that we may potentially be exposed to personal information stored on those systems during the course of this engagement. However, we will not disclose this personal information to anyone outside of your company or anyone within our company not associated with providing support services to you.

In the event where we are engaged by you as part of a larger project involving several product and/or service providers, the nature of your project may require us to access and/or share certain personal information with those product and/or service providers. By engaging us in such a project, you acknowledge that this may be required and if so, we will only access and/or share information for the sole purpose of completing our part of your project.

How we ensure personal information is accurate, complete and up-to-date
To ensure your personal information is accurate and up-to-date, we will only collect information directly from you or a third party who is authorised by you to provide your information to us.

We will not obtain or use information from any third party with whom you or we have no business association.

During the course of conducting business with you, if you make us aware that some of your personal information has changed or is incorrect, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure all our records are updated as soon as possible.

How we protect personal information
We utilise a number of security mechanisms – both physical and logical – to ensure your personal information is protected from unauthorised access. If you have any of your computer systems located in our data centre managed locations, the following measures may also apply to you.

The measures include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Fully patched Operating Systems and Program Applications;
  • Password-protected computer and telephone systems;
  • Updated Anti-Virus and Internet Site Filtering software;
  • Network Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems;
  • Restricting access to personal information to authorised staff only;
  • Lockable filing cabinets, document shredding (for paper-based records);
  • Alarmed and CCTV monitored computer data centres.

Should you cease doing business with us, we may need to retain some information for historical and/or legal purposes. Any information not required for these purposes will be deleted and/or destroyed. If you have any of your computer systems located in our managed data centre, it is your responsibility to arrange the collection of these systems at a mutually convenient time under our strict supervision.

Inspecting your personal information
Should you wish to inspect the personal information we hold about you, you must submit a written request to our Privacy Officer, no less than 10 working days prior to your preferred inspection date. Due to the nature of our business, it is possible that your preferred inspection date may not be suitable. Should this be the case, we will advise you and arrange a different date with you.

You must attend our office in person and provide a form of government-issued photo ID before you can inspect your records, as our Privacy Officer must be able to verify your identity. Acceptable forms of Photo ID include Drivers Licence, Security Licence or Passport. Photo ID issued by employers, educational institutions and the like are not acceptable.

Privacy Policy – How to Contact
Details on how to contact our Privacy Officer are provided at the end of this document.

Transborder dataflows
Due to the nature of our business, some of our computer system applications and telephone communication systems may be provided by vendors who are based outside of Australia. There may be times where we may require a vendor to assist with resolving certain performance and/or operational issues with a specific system and need to provide them with access to the application and/or data repository concerned (e.g. email systems, telephone systems, databases) for the sole purpose of correcting such issues. If required, these repositories may be transferred to the vendor’s support facilities located overseas in order to conduct more thorough analysis and carry out corrective action. Where this occurs, any personal information contained within those repositories will not be used for any unauthorised purpose other than to resolve the issues with the system concerned. We do not authorise any of our vendors to use or disclose personal information in any unauthorised manner.

Privacy Policy – Other considerations
Whenever you disclose personal information, regardless of the mechanism which you use to provide it, from surface mail to email, there is always a certain amount of risk that your information may find its way into unauthorised hands. As we live in a connected world, a lot of this information is delivered using internet-based mechanisms including, but not limited to, email and online storage repositories. Such mechanisms are also widely accessible in public areas such as airports, cafe’s, restaurants or hotels. You should always bear in mind that whenever you send personal information to us using any internet-based mechanism, traces of that information may remain on servers during transmission across the internet, or in the case of a public place, become intercepted. If this occurs, it increases the risk that your personal information may be accessed by unauthorised people if they compromise such servers or intercept publically accessible connections on which you made the transmission. These possibilities are beyond our control and we are not responsible for any personal information that is accessed, lost, or in any way compromised as a result. You are responsible for taking whatever reasonable precautions are necessary to prevent this from occurring.

Records Inspection, Enquiries and Complaints Handling Process
Should you wish to inspect the personal information we hold about you, have any questions about our policy, or wish to lodge a complaint, please send your request to us in writing, addressed to our Privacy Officer.

Children Minors Young Persons
Our website is not intended for children under 13 years of age. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13. If you are under 13, please do not provide any information on this website. Ask a responsible adult, legal guardian for assistance.

Contact Privacy Officer

Use our Contact Form to make initial contact about these matters.

This is a static web based document.  Please contact us for our latest official version.

Document Version: September 2018 Privacy Policy.

Please contact us to discuss how we may be of assistance with your specific requirements and business goals.

Sky Skill Computer Support and Unified Communications is our core business.

Skilfully supporting cloud, hybrid mix and on-premise unified communications and computer solutions

© Sky Skill Pty Ltd ABN 23 628 866 599