Internet Connection NBN or Fibre

What type of internet connection NBN or Fibre do you need?

We will discuss NBN Enterprise Ethernet, NBN products and alternatives.

Small business needs the internet. Which internet connection and supplier you choose, makes a world of difference. We will explain what is on offer and the purpose of each link.

When you plan to move your data and programs to the external cloud, this is when internet performance (both the speed and quality of service) are imperative.

The nbn ® co network has in many cases, brought faster reliable internet to business. This has been especially the case for those that are located a substantial distance from their telephone exchange.

If you live in metropolitan areas or in the heart of major capital cities, there are enterprise fibre alternatives at reasonable monthly costs.

The informational provided is for educational and informational purposes only.
Always confirm with the Retail Service Provider before signing up to any plan.

Types of internet links – Internet Connection NBN or Fibre

Australia is transitioning to a nbn ® co network infrastructure. There is confusion on what is being offered.

Unless the official nbn ® co network quality standard is specifically listed, then that internet link is most likely the entry level grade link (NBN-TC4).

  • NBN-TC4, is the least expensive connection, with limited entry level voice, general non-guaranteed data performance.
  • NBN-TC2, is a high grade link, for medium voice and ecommerce, data,
  • NBN-TC1, is the highest grade link, for professional multiuser voice.

(If the connection is high speed symmetrical Fibre, they are typically designed for voice. Confirm with the Retail Service Provider.)

Internet for Small Business

The nbn ® co network general internet (Traffic Class 4) is the default for most small businesses in Australia. Most would go for the fastest possible speeds. Unbeknown to the small business owner, the quality of your high speed internet is not known?

Quoted speeds are theoretical maximums, and are rarely achieved.
Further, at peak times, you may be fortunate to achieve half to three quarters of that speed. No one has quoted to you the quality performance in clear terms.

When you then place multiple voice telephone services onto this general purpose internet link, then things start falling apart.

At Sky Skill, we understand the various connecting technologies available. Below we will try to clarify what is out there and some dirty tricks that some apply.

We have no sales team. The technical team deploys appropriate solutions that fit your business requirements. We ask lots of questions, in order to better understand your business needs.

Internet speeds explained

The nbn ® co network has published information about “Understanding the NBN network Model”. It attempts to explain the complex path data travels to get to your device.

NBN Co Factors affecting the internet speed and performance
NBN Co – Factors affecting the internet speed and performance

Source: NBN ® Co Ltd

PDF version of this diagram, click here

What is “business grade” internet?

“Business grade”

Many resellers suggest pushing your telephone calls through a basic general grade NBN link. They may even call it a “business grade” internet link.

I am being told it is a “business grade” internet link. What is it really?

In simple terms, it is sales and marketing fluff. It carries no technical specifications.

When things begin to go wrong, what is your recourse?
Complain to your provider about the VoIP telephone calls dropping out. After getting the run around, you are advised that this is general internet only.

NBN clear definitions – suitable for business voice.

To avoid confusion, the nbn ® co network has specifically designed and named, each product by its official Traffic Class or TC.

Below is a summary of the various levels of data priority.

It lists the purpose that each type of internet connection’s Traffic Class is designed for.

NBN TC4 – Traffic Class 4 – is the general grade NBN internet link.

  • for residential and small business web browsing, email and limited remote,
  • not suitable for multiple heavy use telephone,
  • not suitable for time sensitive multiuser internet,
  • general business internet and standard data services

acceptable for a low volume mixed data environment, which may include
a sole trader or micro business with one or two simultaneous calls, Voice over IP (VoIP) services, when it is correctly prioritised. Be prepare for the occasional garbled word or drop out.

NBN TC2 – Traffic Class 2 – is a high grade NBN internet link.

  • suitable for time sensitive multiuser internet
  • including video conferencing, network traffic over virtual private network (VPN), e-commerce and business-critical cloud services
  • the following performance characteristics
  • Committed Information Rate (CIR) at the wholesale level
  • Symmetrical wholesale download and upload speed
  • Defined latency, jitter and loss characteristics

this is acceptable for a mixed data environment, which may include
a medium business with many simultaneous calls, Voice over IP (VoIP) services, when it is correctly prioritised.

NBN TC1 – Traffic Class 1 – is the highest grade NBN internet link.

  • suitable for very time sensitive multiuser internet
  • primarily used to support voice services, specifically Voice over IP (VoIP)
  • the following performance characteristics
  • Committed Information Rate (CIR) at the wholesale level
  • Symmetrical wholesale download and upload speed
  • Defined latency, jitter and loss characteristics

this is the best standard for a dedicated voice environment, handling say a call centre environment with simultaneous calls
, Voice over IP (VoIP)services, when it is correctly prioritised.

NBN Enterprise Ethernet

The nbn ® co network has released a new product. It uses a fibre internet link.

NBN Co changed to using a variety of mixed delivery technologies, like FTTN, FTTB, FTTC, HFC Fixed Wireless, which do not use fibre all the way to your premises.

NBN Co’s solution is a mixed bag. The technology mix, where this wholesale supplier would not only use fibre, but reuse the old copper lines or pay television cables in the street to deliver the internet, has created some hurdles. Not all businesses are able to obtain the highest possible speeds using inexpensive general internet packages.

There is more to speed, rather the quality of the connection

At sites where these mixed non full fibre technologies are in use, should a site require a better performing fibre internet link, nbn ® co network now offers Enterprise Ethernet.

Enterprise Ethernet (EE) come in two variants:

Low and High CoS (Cost of Service) “Performance”

EE High CoS – has the performance of Committed

  • Is symmetrical with both download and upload speeds.
  • High performance. Guaranteed bandwidth.
  • Monthly costs are higher based on this high quality product.

EE Low CoS – has a performance of Priority.

  • Is symmetrical with both download and upload speeds.
  • Priority bandwidth. Best effort, shared with far less users, in the contention.
  • Monthly costs are typically half the of EE High product.
  • Should more performance be required,
    your Retail Service Provider should be able to switch the CoS from Priority up to Committed.

This is not like NBN TC-4 which is asymmetrical, with downloads at say 100 Mbps and downloads at say 40 Mbps at theoretical maximums. With far more user sharing and higher contention ratio. Lots more congestion. Monthly costs are typically several time less costly than the Enterprise Ethernet product.

To check if your location is eligible for this, refer to nbn ® co network official website:

For technical information about this fibre solution, refer to nbn ® co network official website:

Confirm with the Retail Service Provider before signing up.

Non NBN Fibre

There are providers who sell other products. Typically these are high end alternatives.

Once reserved for large corporations, due to competition from the NBN Co and other factors, prices have greatly reduced.

There are fibre links that match Traffic Class 1 and Traffic Class 2.

Such internet connection are typically symmetrical (same download and upload). This is especially important, when you have multiple remote workers, with your programs and data placed externally in the cloud. You are attempting to replicate the speed and performance as close as possible to what your internal office network has.

Confirm with the Retail Service Provider before signing up.

Fibre 100, Fibre 400

Speeds of:
100 mbps / 100 mbps in select metropolitan areas, or others up to
400 mbps / 400 mbps in select central business districts ,
are available at reasonable prices.

These internet fibre services may have options to match the very high qualified performance and speeds required for business.

These internet links typically come with clearly defined Service Level Agreements (SLA). Make sure that they come with financially backed credit should an extended outage occur.
Confirm with the Retail Service Provider before signing up.

At Sky Skill, we will be able to search and provide a cost effective plan.

Please refer to our page about Cloud VoIP telephone solutions

More about Cloud VoIP Telephone Systems

Our personal direct experience on Internet Connection – NBN or Fibre

Our senior technical team have experienced all major forms of internet connectivity. In the 1980’s, our senior technical team were on bulletin boards. At university, in the early 1990’s, we were privileged to have internet access. This was done via dial up modems.

When ADSL broadband internet arrived, it was a mixed bag. You could use the telephone line to make calls and at the same time use the internet. This ADSL technology had its limitations however. Distance and quality of copper cabling was its eventual downfall. The NBN was therefore established to attempt to resolve this.

In particular one of our senior team member lived in the last few streets of the outer edges of their local telephone exchange. Internet ADSL was unbearably slow. When it rained, there was internet for days, until the pits dried up. We understand the frustration of poor internet first-hand.

The nbn ® co network solution is also a mixed bag. The technology mix, where this new wholesale supplier would not only use fibre, but reuse the old copper lines or pay television cables in the street to deliver the internet, has created some hurdles. Not all businesses are able to obtain the highest possible speeds using inexpensive general internet packages. It is all to do with cost.

Please contact us to discuss how we may be of assistance with your specific requirements and business goals.

Sky Skill Computer Support and Unified Communications is our core business.

Skilfully supporting cloud, hybrid mix and on-premise unified communications and computer solutions

© Sky Skill Pty Ltd ABN 23 628 866 599

* Trademark of their respective owners.
* NBN Co Ltd Trademark

NBN Co Ltd (including official chart from NBN Co Ltd)

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